Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Hello July

Happy July!!!!

I can't believe that we're halfway through the year already.

I like July 1st because I've always seen it as a reset button if I need it or a progress milestone in my life. I often will mark the day as one to regroup and recommit to whatever I'm doing. January 1st is the beginning of the year of course and it's the start of a whole new year, but I like July 1st also. Any day of the year can be a new start if we want, this is true. However, I love this midpoint day too as a day of renewal if that's what we want :-)

So I hope that everyone has a wonderful July 1st whether you use it as a new beginning or  if you just like July. Lol.

Have a wonderful day and a wonderful new month wherever you are!

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